BVEYard Runs

Run Rules:

  • No NSFW is allowed in Voice Channels.

  • No ear-raping while in an active run.

  • No obnoxious announcements.

  • Do not speak over dispatch.

  • Pay attention to dispatch at all times.

  • Do not assign yourself a time unless you are a dispatcher.

  • Do not depart from the terminal or callback point without authorization from dispatch.

  • Make sure to read run information prior to joining a run & use the correct routes.

  • Routes not listed in the run announcements format are NOT ALLOWED and prohibited at all times unless otherwise stated by the dispatcher.

  • Overruns are allowed a total of 3 times before removal from service by the current run dispatcher.

  • Allow up to 2 hours if you plan to participate in a run. Do not expect to always finish a run in an hour or less.

  • Last trains, upon request, may have permission to battery run depending on how many people are still active in the voice channel.

  • Chatting non-related to runs is allowed, however, you are subject to mute by the current dispatcher if you are too off-topic or too distracting to the current run operations.

  • While operating in a run you should adhere to all proper timer signals as seen in the run route. Callbacks are given based on the speeds in the area, so it is very important that you do not ignore them.

Failure to comply with these run rules may result in you being taken out of service or suspended indefinitely.

How To Join BVEYard Runs

Step 1.

Check the run description. You will be able to find details regarding runs by checking the events tab in the BVEYard Discord Server.

BVEYard Events Tab

BVEYard Events Tab. Clicking this will show you the information for BVEYard’s upcoming runs/events.

BVEYard Events information. Here, you can find the details for BVEYard’s upcoming runs/events. 

Step 2.

Join the ‘Run Entry’ voice channel. By joining this voice channel, you will be given access to the #run-routes text channel. In that channel, you will be able to find the routes for that day’s run. If the routes aren’t posted there, that means the route was posted here, on the BVEYard Website. If that is not the case, consult the current run dispatcher.

Step 3.

Set your server nickname. Your nickname should include your time (this will be given to you by the current run dispatcher), route, starting, and ending location. For example, if you are a (3) Train from Harlem-148th Street to New Lots Avenue, here’s what your server nickname should look like:

Prior to receiving your time from the dispatcher:

XX:XX (3) 148/NLTS

After receiving your time from the dispatcher:

19:42 (3) 148/NLTS

Times will be called on and displayed in 24-hour time. You must familiarize yourself with 24-hour time if you wish to participate in runs. Be sure to put in your nickname if you are going peak direction Express on your route. This shall be displayed with a Diamond around your service, rather than a circle.

Peak Exp Example:

20:02 <5> 239Y/BGRN

Local Example:

19:57 (5) 180/FLA

Here is a list of starting and ending locations that you should use in your server nickname:

Step 4.

Move to your respective tower. 10 minutes prior to the start of a run, you are to move to your respective division tower. During the run, you may be asked to switch to a different tower. When doing so, you are to call into dispatch with your exact location and await a callback from them. Here are a list of towers that correspond with different points of the system:

Step. 5

Participate in the run.

  • Prior to your departure time, ask your tower for a radio check. If they respond with “loud and clear”, your mic is being heard properly. If they tell you that you are not audible or do not respond at all, adjust your microphone settings. If you do not have a microphone, you are able to use the #run-chat channel but don’t expect fast responses from the dispatcher. Their main priority is those who are participating and have a microphone. Also, always remember to ping the tower dispatcher in #run-chat, or they may not see your message.

  • At your departure time, request lineup out of your starting location. You should give your tower dispatcher your ‘lead and trailing motor’. This means you tell your dispatcher the first and last car of your train. For example, if you are the 19:38 (5) DYRE/FLA, your lead car might be 6006, and your trailing car might be 7021. This is how you should request your line-up: “Pelham Tower, this is the 19:45 (6), Pelham to the Bridge. Operating motor: 1691, Trailing motor: 1751. Requesting line-up out of Pelham.” The dispatcher will give you a callback, and you are to proceed to that callback location. Upon arrival at that location, you are to callback to the dispatcher. Here is an example: “19:45 (6), Pelham to the Bridge. Calling at Parkchester.” Until the dispatcher gives you your next callback, you are not to move from your current location.

12 Codes:

Sometimes, we may use the MTA’s 12 codes during our runs. While we don’t expect you to memorize all of them, you should familiarize yourself with 12-1. Here is a list of 12 codes we may use in our runs. Feel free to use some of these to cause random events/interesting delays during a run, but don’t overuse them.

12 - 1 | CLEAR THE AIR











Words & Phrases you need to know:

Battery Run | When there is a big gap in service, or delays being caused due to some circumstance, a dispatcher may ask you to perform a battery-run. This means you must skip any stations the dispatcher tells you to skip. While skipping stations, you must give two short horn blasts to inform commuters that the train is not stopping and they should move away from the platform edge. In addition, you should slow down to 15-20 miles per hour while bypassing stations (this rule does not apply to stations without timer signals.

Stop and Stay | Hold at your current location or your next callback location.

Proceed on Signal | Proceed on your current signal aspect. If your next signal is Red or At Danger, request permission from the dispatcher to key by the signal. While keying by a signal, you are to slowly move your train’s first tripcock past the trip arm, then proceed at a restricted speed (10-15 mph) unless otherwise said by the dispatcher.

If you have any questions or want more information on how to join runs, you can ask a dispatcher in the BVEYard server.