Welcome to TST Support
Before submitting a ticket, please read the guide relevant to your specific piece of content. If these guides do not meet your needs and you still require assistance, submit a support ticket in our Discord server.
If you would like to submit a ban appeal, scroll to the bottom of this page.
Rolling Stock ADDONS:
RoUte Addons:
We will always try to work with players to resolve gameplay and technical issues where possible. However, where an issue requires the attention of the development team, the issue will be logged and prioritized for further investigation.
If English is not your native language
For our international players, we unfortunately can only provide support in English. If you don't feel comfortable speaking English, we will still try to help you, but please bear with us as our primary language is English. We may need to use an online translator tool to understand you.
Unreasonable Behaviour/ABUSE
Please note that tickets that contain offensive language or abuse directed at our staff will be ignored and deleted without a response. Additionally, duplicate/spam support tickets may increase the amount of time it will take to get back to you and resolve your issue. We kindly ask for your patience.
OpenBVE Installation Guides:
• Windows Installation Guide | (We plan to work on a Windows Installation Guide soon. In the meantime, refer to the official OpenBVE Website.)
• Linux Installation Guide | (We plan to work on a Linux Installation Guide soon. In the meantime, refer to the official OpenBVE Website.)
SUBMIT A Ban Appeal (Discord)
If you were banned from our Discord server, you may appeal your ban decision below. Remember that your appeal is subject to approval under the opinions of the members of the Tri-State Transit team. We may deem you unfit to return to our server and engage in communications. If this is the case, please do not spam the Ban Appeals or create an alternate account to attempt to access our server. Doing so will result in a report to the Discord support team, and your subsequent account removal.
For users who have previously submitted a Ban Appeal when the option was under the “Discord” tab, you may resubmit your appeal once.